Traffic on Southern SH 130 Increased 10% in 2023 to Reach Another All-Time High
Growth driven by freight, local development and drivers choosing safety and reliability
AUSTIN, Texas – (Feb. 14, 2024) – Passenger and heavy truck traffic along the southern section of State Highway 130 between Austin and San Antonio grew by 10% year-over-year in 2023 to reach an all-time high.
Since 2019, overall traffic along the toll road has jumped 62% while heavy truck traffic has surged by 84%.
SH 130 Concession Co., the private company that operates and maintains the southern section of the state-owned highway, recorded more than 12.6 million transactions on the roadway last year.
“Strong population growth throughout the Central Texas region combined with an uptick in commercial and residential development directly along the SH 130 Corridor continues to lead more drivers to choose our roadway,” said SH 130 Concession Co. CEO Adam Hesketh. “Despite the traffic growth, SH 130 remains reliably congestion-free at all hours including peak commuting periods and one of the safest major roadways in Texas.”
In 2023, long distance drivers saved over 230,000 hours by taking the southern sections of SH 130 as an alternative to I-35, with average travel time savings of up to 55 minutes along the full length of SH 130 during peak travel periods.
Despite the increase in traffic, the crash rate decreased again last year to 25 crashes per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT) – the best safety report on SH 130 since 2014 and materially lower than statewide averages for similar roadways. The rate is also more than five times lower than I-35 between Austin and San Antonio.
Development activity along the roadway continues to increase with large residential projects and new distribution facilities currently under construction, and more in the development pipeline.
The SH 130 Corridor was recently recognized by the site selection firm The Boyd Co., Inc. as the most affordable for manufacturing and logistics companies among more than 30 leading high-tech corridors and 35 leading logistics corridors in the U.S.
“SH 130 has provided an important transportation option for our residents and existing businesses here in Seguin, and it’s a great advantage for us as we’re recruiting new companies to our area,” said Seguin Mayor Donna Dodgen. “We recently completed Seguin’s first comprehensive economic development strategic plan and focusing on the development opportunities along SH 130 is a big part of that.”
As the Austin and San Antonio metro areas continue growing into one unified mega-region, SH 130 Concession Co. recognizes the importance of supporting the organizations on the front lines of that growth. The company actively participates in numerous chambers of commerce and economic development groups throughout the region, and last year provided over $100,000 to local non-profits and community programs.
The company is pleased to participate in regional initiatives such as the Caldwell County Brown Santa program and Caldwell County Food Bank, the San Antonio Police Department’s Blue Santa program, and the Lockhart Education Foundation grant program. In addition to supporting a number of trucking associations, the company is also proud to partner with TxDOT to host roadside events for National Truck Driver Appreciation Week.
SH 130 Concession Co. also partnered with Caldwell County last year on a successful U.S. Department of Transportation grant application to build an advanced travel plaza and truck parking facility along the roadway. The grant will provide $23M to develop the new project, which will improve safety and mobility for drivers in the region.
“As the growth in central Texas continues to accelerate, the company is committed to supporting the communities it serves through enhanced partnerships with economic developers, local stakeholders and regional organizations,” Hesketh said. “And as congestion continues to worsen along I-35, we will continue to provide a reliable, safe, and free-flow alternative.”
About SH 130 Concession Company
SH 130 Concession Co. operates and maintains Segments 5 & 6 of SH 130 from Mustang Ridge to Seguin, Texas. The 41-mile section of the toll road immediately south of Austin offers a speed limit of 85 MPH. The road is owned by the State of Texas, which has leased the facility to SH 130 Concession Company until 2062.
For more information, contact James Lovett at 512-618-4986.

Since 2019, overall traffic along the toll road has jumped 62% while heavy truck traffic has surged by 84%, driven by development activity along the roadway from large residential projects to new distribution facilities.