A Fresh Start

Andy Bailey, CEO
This fall marks five years since the southern section of SH 130 opened as the first privately built, managed and operated toll road in Texas.
By this point most toll projects settle into a business as usual routine as the excitement and potential of the early ramp up period wane and new initiatives give way to the tyranny of “how things have always been done.”
That’s certainly not the case at SH 130 Concession Co., where much has changed since we emerged from bankruptcy in June.
Bankruptcy is never an easy process, but it gave this company a much-needed fresh start.
SH 130 Concession Co. is no longer a financially struggling outpost of a global conglomerate. We are a well-capitalized and financially sustainable Central Texas company.
We have new owners willing to make critical investments in the company and along the road to increase traffic, improve systems and enhance the travel experience.
Our new management team — led by me, COO Mike Pillsbury and CFO Ken Baker — brings more than 75 years of experience in highway and toll road operations and maintenance to the project.
We recognize that results matter, and we’re changing things to ensure that the company and roadway perform far better than in the past for drivers, the company’s new owners and the communities we serve.
We also are committed to operating with far greater transparency than the company previously allowed, which brings me to the purpose of this new company blog.
Changes are coming to SH 130, and we want you to hear about them straight from the horse’s mouth.
In the coming weeks and months we’ll be telling you more about improvements planned for the roadway and what that means for our customers and communities. You’ll learn more about our efforts to improve safety, boost ridership, assist with economic development efforts and create business opportunities for other Texas companies.
You also will hear directly from some of the people and organizations making a difference in our communities as we help spread the word about the great things happening along the SH 130 Corridor.
We’ll be reaching out in other ways as well, hosting an open house for the public later this month and continuing to meet with local government officials and police and emergency managers to discuss issues of concern and identify opportunities to support one another.
SH 130 and the SH 130 corridor have a bright future ahead. Many great things are in the works. Stay tuned for more details.